If you missed any part of Addy's story, click HERE to catch up.
Part 3: She's Here!

So I'm in recovery and they wheel her in. I get a little nostalgic... and trust me, that's not easy because I'm NOT the person that thinks newborns are cute. I think they look like shriveled up little rodents. Depending on how they're born, some have a little bit of a stretched head or extra gooey stuff everywhere. Yep, not cute. Not cuddly. They sleep and squawk, literally. The fun begins when they can smile, follow you with their eyes, interact, etc. Ok, so this is my opinion but then again it IS my blog, so I have a right to my opinion on my blog. If you think I'm being crude please don't read the rest of my story.
Yep, digress again.... anyhow, I'm in a moment of sappiness and self-pity, all alone with baby Addison and the recovery team and I get this inkling that I might want to nurse this child. Now, I have NEVER nursed any of my children, nor did I ever wish to. Call me selfish, call me whatever you want, but it's my choice and it's one I did not want to do. I had no desire to have a child eat off of me. If YOU want to nurse your child, that's awesome. If you need help, support, a pump, etc., I am your biggest cheerleader. Yes, I know the benefits, I know the positions, I was a child member of the La Leche league... so please keep your holier than thou judgments about my choice to not nurse to yourself.
Ok, so I told the nurse, you know I think I may want to nurse her while I'm in the hospital, maybe while I'm at home with her. At least she'd get some of this good stuff that's soon to be dripping everywhere. I've never seen a nurse move so fast. She had Addison over to me in 2 seconds flat. But, I said....
But, there's these blister looking things. They HURT. They're bleeding (still, a week later... scab keeps getting yanked off by various clothing/Band-Aid, etc. and they HURT)... I don't know what they are but they won't go away. Can a baby nurse on THAT? Oh yes, honey... it's fine... I've seen so much worse, you're fine.... Oooookayyy....
So we go to it. She's a pro. She's a natural. Addison is the poster-child for newborn nursing. She knew exactly what to do and how to do it. That's my girl. Not even 2 hours old and smart as a whip.
Me? Horrible pain. Yee-ouch doesn't begin to describe a child nursing on a cut, blister, skeeter bite, whatever it was. It hurt so incredibly bad, but she was doing so incredibly well. The nurse was sympathetic and said she would ask the nursery staff to bring me a nipple shield when we got up to our room and that should help.
Up to the room... my legs are dead to the world because of the anesthesia. I'm hungry enough to eat a horse but I guess grape juice will have to do.... And by the way, do NOT engorge on all those juices because you are so hungry you want to eat a horse.

There's already pain in belly so this is NOT a good combination.
(No this is not a picture of my belly... HA, that would be great!)
Nursery staff brings me said nipple shield. Sorry to the men who may be reading this blog.... you can always click somewhere else if this is too much for you. It does get worse, I can promise you that.

Anyhow, a nipple shield looks like the nipple of a bottle and it goes exactly like you think it would, over the boob. Now, mad props to the nursing staff because it DID feel a lot better. The pain was still excruciating, but not quite to the point of tears. They decide to set me up an appointment with the lactation consultant.
Around 6 or 7 that evening (where did the time go?), the lactation lady comes. She looks at my blisters, murmurs a lot of hmmms and wells, and says hmmm, well it looks like mastitis, but I usually don't see that until you've been nursing a 3-4 weeks. Interesting. But I don't see why you shouldn't nurse, if you can handle the pain.
IF I can handle the pain? Lady, I've been cut open 3 times... I can handle some pain. Bring it on. After all, my baby is getting the "good stuff"
I gave up at 5am. The pain was unbearable. Shoot, I gave it almost 24 hours... I did the best I could. And please people, support a mom's decision, WHATEVER that is, EVEN if it's not your choice. Don't try and guilt me into continuing to nurse my child, or any of them for that matter. Don't drop hints or tell me how wonderful it is. If I want to know, I'll ask. If you think the mommy in front of you is too scared to ask you, 1) You may not have the relationship you need to have to be discussing boobs and babies in the first place or 2) Kindly offer to go through pros and cons with her, then do EXACTLY that without letting your opinion get in the way.
Addison switched over to formula just fine. She ate fine. She slept a LOT, but then that's what newborns do. My nurse Friday evening was concerned about my blisters, wondered why the doctors hadn't ordered a culture or given them a second thought and said she would be discussing it with my Saturday morning nurse. Hmmm, ok I thought. I mean, I literally flashed everyone and anyone with a medical background and no one was worried... BUT THEY HURT. A LOT.
Okay, so enter Saturday... Drill Sargent Nurse. She informs me that she and my night nurse have discussed my blisters and she thinks I have Staph infection. She says she will be in after I'm done with my breakfast to inspect the blisters and begin the quarantine procedure.
Thus ends Part 3. Stay tuned for Part 4: Stapha what??
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