Part 4: Stapha what??
Okay, sorry to keep everyone on a cliffhanger... trust me, it gets pretty emotional just reading back through this story. Like I said in the beginning, some people know the full story, and many just know bits and pieces... when you get the whole thing you'll understand why this isn't something you discuss over dinner, with your friends on Facebook, or even in the confines of a snuggle with your loved ones... It's gut-wrenching and will cut you like a knife. You'll wish you hadn't read it. Shoot, I wish every single day I hadn't lived it. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder... the only thing that keeps me going is knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt that my GOD has a plan with this that will ultimately bring him glory. Change WILL happen because of Addison Grace LeCroix... like I said before, lives will be saved, both spiritually and physically.
Ok, so back to Drill Sergeant nurse...reminds me of this picture I found when I did an internet search for "mean lunch lady"... so just to give you a mental image....
She meant business. I don't think "NO" was in her vocabulary. So when she told me she thought I had staph infection and that me and my baby would be put in quarantine and such-an-such procedures would be followed... I was in tears. She told me we would do this after I ate my breakfast.
Well who wants cold eggs after that?
I was beyond myself... staph? I had staph? How'd I get staph? Ooooo those surgeons! Someone gave me staph. I shouldn't have had anyone visit me... some visitor gave me staph. Ooo my daughter? What will happen to her? Will she be okay? My mind was going a gazillion miles a minute and she wants me to eat my EGGS?
So what did I do... phoned a friend. Burst into tears and probably boo-hooed to oblivion and back, partially due to post-partum hormones and secondly because I was scared outta my MIND. She assured me that it was okay, I was in good hands and to call her when I knew more.. or something like that. Honestly, I don't remember what she said, but I'm sure it was something like that... that's what I would've said. I know I wouldn't have been like "Hold on, honey, I'll be right there!" Riggght... who wants staph?
And yes, I ate my cold eggs. I still wanted to eat a horse, remember?
Enter Drill Sergeant Nurse.... I flash her the boobs and blisters, which by now have gotten beyond little ant bite sized to nice mosquito bite sized. They're red and they hurt really really bad. Sting. A little bit of bleeding, but that's because the derned things can't scab over. There's one on each side. Ya know, it's all about being symmetrical. Couldn't just have one blister/bite/sting/whatever.... gotta have two.
What does Drill Sergeant lady say?
Hmmmmm.... errrr.... well.... hmmmm, interesting. (Sounds a LOT like the lactation lady, except she had a cool English or Australian accent - who knows, it was cool so I really don't care where it came from).
Hmmmm, well... it's not staph.

Okay, so it was a brief moment of insanity thinking that would actually be a fun way to live.... but it kept me from going totally bonkers.
So Drill Sergeant nurse decides that we won't let the OB leave today without looking at my bites/blisters/whatevers.... that's something, but it's not staph and I definitely don't know what.
Then she proceeds to drill off the rest of my day... that I needed to do so many laps around the hospital, up and walking, etc. She informed me that I could now take a shower and she'd take Addison to the nursery while I dressed.
Well gee lady. An apology for scaring the living daylights outa me would have been appreciated.
Okay, so here's a picture of Addy and I doing laps... okay, well just Addy. As you can see she had some goodies...some of my coworkers brought her a beanie bear all tatted up with the school logo, and there's her ducky pacifier... those things totally and completely rock, by the way. The paci is ATTACHED to the duck... our daughter Abigail had a giraffe. We named it Zip because he zipped that girl up. She loved her zip. And we were the idiots that didn't buy two.
We had it down this time. There were two ducks... just waiting for one to be lost.
She had her cute Auburn hat - the matching little baby booties weren't on her at the time. Auburn had a game that day and we figured we would dress the part.
Am I an Auburn fan? My husband is. Many of his family members are. I went to UGA for a year, so technically I claim my bulldogs.... but I do realize I'm raising my children in a WAR EAGLE household, lol.

That's what happens when you love the duck.... AFLAC! Okay, well.... it's a yellow duck, not white....
Other than Addison sleeping as all newborns do, she's a picture of perfect health. She passed all her different screenings, etc., eats fine, sleeps fine (a LOT), doesn't constantly puke like her older sister Abigail.... we couldn't ask for a better baby. A sleepy baby. Who sleeps a LOT. A whole lot more than the other two, or so it seemed.... but hey, we had nicknames for all our children...
Bryson: the EATER. Doc called him a barracuda feeder. Every time he drank his bottle he would do this little yooop, yooop, yoop... hilarious.
Abigail: the PUKER. She puked up everything she ate, about 40 minutes after her bottle. We tried everything, my friend. Had an ultrasound to rule out pyloric stenosis... switched formulas a gazillion times... shoot, that's a whole other blog. Anyhow, she was the puker. We had a point system for her "episodes". One point for everything she touched and extra bonus points for creativity.
Addison: the SLEEPER. That girl could sleep. Sleepy sleepy sleepy.
So around 4:00 the OB comes. My regular OB is out of town and this is the on-call lady. Quick glance at my blister/bite/sore whatever and prescribes some Bacitracin ointment and asks for them to bring me non-stick pads. She agrees it's not staph, but really didn't seem all too concerned. Said we could go home whenever we wanted. I chose to wait until the following morning so I could have one more night of rest.
Hmmmm... you really thought you had the mystery solved at staph, didn't you? Figured it ended there, I'm sure. Nope. So what happened? How is it that this perfectly beautiful princess of a baby took her last breath in my arms a week later? Did we miss something?
Stay tuned for Part 5: The Narcoleptic Baby..... Who Complains About a Sleeping Child?
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