SCARY NIGHT!!! Was at the grocery store with Mr. B and Miss A and I *think* he got a little of a powder I was purchasing on his hands, in his system, something. He got bad REAL quick, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, etc. By the time we got to the car, he was gagging… I practically threw him and the groceries in the van (did I buy eggs? Oh well..) I said are you hurting? He said his heart hurt and there were ladybugs in his belly…in-between the sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and retched gagging-ish noise he was making. He said he wanted to go home. Um, no honey, we're going straight to the doctor…
Raced to the hospital doesn't even begin to describe my descent from Hampton Cove down to Huntsville Hospital…. it was soooo "Grey's Anatomy"… I screech in and grab him out of the car. My best friend walks up at just the perfect minute to go park my car (how else does it get parked?) and I rushed in. What do they do? Calmly hand me a clipboard to fill out… I've got tears running down my face and he's gagging… I'm like I need a doctor, he's not breathing right!!! They put Mr. Blinky on his finger, his oxygen was 100%… listen to his lungs, not so good… they said how long has Mr. B been suffering with Ashtma? Um, he doesn't have asthma… seasonal allergies maybe (should I dare mention essential oils at this point?) but this is not like him.
He looked gray. (Or grey?) His eyes dull. Tears running down his cheeks. Breathing yes, feel good NO.
They put a bracelet on him and took us back to a room. Thankfully it was not THE room…. (once I post Addy's story, you'll understand why THE room is not an okay place for me)… it wasn't even close to THE room.
And there we sat.
I sent my friend home around 10:30. Mr. B sounded a little wheezy, but not in danger and obviously not if no one was checking on us.
I sent hubby and Miss A home at 11:00. I contemplated leaving. By then he sounded fine, just fine. I'm thinking, why in the world did I just waste $150?? I should've just taken him home and used my oils…. (read here about how I overcame my skepticism and started learning about oils) I thought yep, allergy trio woulda worked wonders… and lavender on the inside of his cheek if he decided to continue sneezing. It's funny how when you start playing with oils you mentally diagnose every ailment in your head with an oil… LOL
Finally someone walked in at 11:26… did the "work up", said he still sounded a little wheezy but after about 6 breaths it cleared up. Said doc would be in soon… I'm still thinking lets make a run for it.
Doc shows up close to 1am. She ordered a breathing treatment and x-rays. Breathing treatment helped the last bit of left side wheeziness… then off to x-rays. Around 1 am the doc said lung x-ray looked good….
and then the pause…
She said his heart looked a little large on the x-ray. Could be absolutely nothing, but wants me to follow up with our pediatrician. Yep, calling him Monday morning.
So if I actually had my oils on me, we probably wouldn't have gone to the hospital. And then not had the x-ray… it may be absolutely nothing, like she said… or it could be something… God never EVER wastes a hurt…. he saw an opportunity for me to get some valuable information and placed me in a situation where I would receive it.
Oh, and the $150 copay? Nada… the powder I was pretty sure he somehow ingested qualified us for an emergency visit and no copay. Thank you Jesus! Now will I get other mini charges? Probably. Do I care? Nope… My boy is good. I'm still shaking like a leaf but my boy is okay. A few drops of faith go a LONG way when you know God's got your back….
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